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September 10, 2024

Workouts To Help You Grow Your Arms

Posted In: Fitness, Mindset, Nutrition

If you want workouts to grow your arms, develop a six-pack, and have the best, most impressive body possible, you need a plan. At Team ISC in Sacramento, CA, we provide a plan of action to match that goal, and the workouts and nutrition guidance to achieve it. One area that many people focus on is their arms. Adding inches to your arms involves exercises that also build the rest of the upper body. When you reach your goal, you’ll also see dramatic changes everywhere.

Before you start working out, check your nutrition.

No matter how hard you work out, if your diet isn’t healthy and geared to building muscle, you won’t get the results you want. A great body starts in the kitchen. It then moves to the gym. Your body needs the raw materials to build muscle. While the amino acids from protein are the primary requirement, you also need magnesium, iron, potassium, and carbs. A diet of leafy greens, fish, eggs, poultry, lean meat, fatty fish, fruits, healthy fat, and vegetables helps build muscles. We help you develop a plan specific to your goals and needs.

We’ll design a plan to match your fitness level, goals, and special needs.

It takes dedication to build a great body. It also takes a plan. When you have the motivation and the right program, you can achieve your goal. When you exercise, your body makes micro tears in the muscle. You also need 48 to 72 hours for those muscles to heal. If you overwork the muscles and don’t give them healing time, you’ll lose ground instead of gaining it. When you first start working out, you’ll see improvement regardless of whether you’re lifting lighter weight and more reps or lifting heavier with fewer reps. Heavier weights build strength and denser muscles. Lighter weights build stamina and definition. Both enhance muscle growth and change the shape of the muscle.

Vary your workout plan.

You can use standing barbell curls, incline dumbbell curls, or both to build biceps. The standing barbell curl is often preferred. Twisting dumbbell curls involve the forearm and biceps. Build the brachialis with dumbbell hammer curls or straight bar reverse curls. Close grip chin-ups, EZ bar preacher curls, and hammer curls benefit the biceps. A diamond push-up, bench dips, tricep kickbacks, tricep extension, and close-grip bench press also work on the arms.

  • You can modify your push-ups or pull-ups to work more muscles or work them differently by putting your hands closer together or further apart. Add weights to increase the effort.
  • Do strength-building workouts at the start of your session to maximize the benefits. Don’t eliminate all cardio. Cardio increases insulin sensitivity and allows you to eat more, consuming more muscle-building nutrients.
  • Always focus on form before increasing weight or reps. If your form isn’t precise, it can diminish the results and may even cause injury. Include flexibility, warm-up, and cool-down exercises in every session.
  • When you sleep, your body does more than heal. It increases hormones like testosterone and HGH necessary to build muscle tissue. Lack of sleep increases cortisol, which negatively affects muscle-building efforts.

For more information, contact us today at Team-ISC